searching for attachments that have a certain "text" in the name

  • Thread starter Thread starter thomas donino
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thomas donino

Is it possible to search all attachments for a certain word in the attachment

name to move it to another directory? I looked thru the rules but saw nothing

about searching attachment names.
I'm not clear on what you mean by "directory" -- Outlook uses the term

"folders" to refer to the place where you store emails. Otherwise,

here is how you would check an attachment filename for a matching


If Instr(Attachment.FileName, "your search text") > 0 Then

' move the file


' don't move the file

End If


On Nov 24, 2:38 pm, thomas donino

<thomasdon...> wrote:
> Is it possible to search all attachments for a certain word in the attachment
> name to move it to another directory? I looked thru the rules but saw nothing
> about searching attachment names.
Outlook version?

Sue Mosher

"thomas donino" <thomasdonino> wrote in message
> Is it possible to search all attachments for a certain word in the
> attachment
> name to move it to another directory? I looked thru the rules but saw
> nothing
> about searching attachment names.
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