BCC - How many email address will it accomodate?

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Outlook version
Outlook 2011 for Mac
Email Account
Exchange Server
We are sending out a mass email to about 1800 email addresses. We usually break up the emails to about 400 addresses for each email. So with 1800 email addresses we send this message out 5 times. We recently tried to put in all the addresses into BCC (which is what we usually do) but BCC cut us off at 1334. After doing a Google search on quantity of addresses in BCC, I came to the conclusion that this is a setting in our server as to how many email addresses can be put into BCC. Is that right? I asked our IT department and they have no clue and neither does our consultant.

Does anyone have any information on how many addresses can be placed in a BCC and if there is a setting on the server where it needs to be changed, then where does my IT department find it out at.


That's an odd number for the server limit. It's usually a "round" number - 25, 100, 1000, 1250, etc. I can see an admin using 1250, 1300, maybe even 1325, but not 1334.

It could be a too long string on the message - the fields only hold so much text - but 1334 seems high unless many address are short, although I'm not familiar enough with the limits with mac. Outlook for Windows tops out under 1000 addresses. When this is the cause in Outlook for windows, the addresses won't all fit into the field and the last one is usually only half there.
Thanks for your reply Larry. This mass email is being done on Outlook on a PC. Just trying to find out how it can be changed in the Microsoft Exchange Server. Our IT people do not know how to do it. And yes that is an odd number, so we elected to send the email out 5 times with 400 email addresses in the BCC. What a pain that was! Sometime next year we will be able to do this project straight from MAPICS CRM module but until then we are trying to see if the quantity can be changed and possibly signing up with Mail Chimp or Constant Contact until we are ready in MAPICS.
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