Task form fields

  • Thread starter Thread starter cmonroe21
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I have created a custom task form using the p.2 page and now need to

replicate the "To..." button and its text box as well as the Send button. I

know I need to assign the already existing task form fields to these controls

to make them work like they do on the standard task form, but can't seem to

figure out which fields to use... I figured the To textbox would use the

"Assigned To" field or the "Recipients" field, but both of these fields are

read only?? Could you help??

(To clarify, I was able to make my other email form work without using any

coding by assigning the "To" field to my own "To" button and textbox, and by

assigning the "Subject" field to my own subject box, etc. etc... but am

having trouble doing it with the task... need to know which field to assign

to the "To..." button, the "Send" button, and the "To" textbox... this task

will need to be assigned to someone. Also, I am VERY new to the whole coding

thing! Have been able to make all my custom forms work without using it so

far! Thank you!!)

The Assigned To field on a task request is the equivalent of the To field

from the Mail form, but it's not a simple text box. You must drag the field

from the field list. Note, though, that task requests have some internals

that are not exposed to developers, such as the check boxes for "Keep an

updated copy" and "Send me a status report."

To create a Send button, you'd need to add a command button and write code

for its Click event.

Sue Mosher

"cmonroe21 " <u48566@uwe> wrote in message

> I have created a custom task form using the p.2 page and now need to
> replicate the "To..." button and its text box as well as the Send button.
> I
> know I need to assign the already existing task form fields to these
> controls
> to make them work like they do on the standard task form, but can't seem
> to
> figure out which fields to use... I figured the To textbox would use the
> "Assigned To" field or the "Recipients" field, but both of these fields
> are
> read only?? Could you help??

> (To clarify, I was able to make my other email form work without using any
> coding by assigning the "To" field to my own "To" button and textbox, and
> by
> assigning the "Subject" field to my own subject box, etc. etc... but am
> having trouble doing it with the task... need to know which field to
> assign
> to the "To..." button, the "Send" button, and the "To" textbox... this
> task
> will need to be assigned to someone. Also, I am VERY new to the whole
> coding
> thing! Have been able to make all my custom forms work without using it
> so
> far! Thank you!!)
Thank you so much! That's exactly what I needed! I appreciate the help!

And the quick response! :)

Sue Mosher [MVP] wrote:
> The Assigned To field on a task request is the equivalent of the To field
> from the Mail form, but it's not a simple text box. You must drag the field
> from the field list. Note, though, that task requests have some internals
> that are not exposed to developers, such as the check boxes for "Keep an
> updated copy" and "Send me a status report."

> To create a Send button, you'd need to add a command button and write code
> for its Click event.
> >I have created a custom task form using the p.2 page and now need to
> > replicate the "To..." button and its text box as well as the Send button.

> [quoted text clipped - 21 lines]
> > so
> > far! Thank you!!)

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