How to highlight lists of same e-mail

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Rupert Dragwater

Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
In Eudora, one can hold down the Alt button and click on a particular e-mail. That will bring all e-mails from the same sender into one list. My skill testing question is - would there be a way to do this in Outlook 2010.

If so, can one post here and inform me how to do this. If not, tell me there's a way to do it anyways - I'll believe anything. Thanks!
Nothing quite that simple, but you can right click on a message and choose Find related > From sender

From an open message, the Related command is on the right side of the ribbon, in the Editing chunk.
Well Diane, you could have knocked me over with a tombstone. It was right there and I didn't see it. I've been a Eudora user for years until January of this year and so am trying to get onto Outlook and all its features. Thank you muchly for that pointer. Appreciated!!!
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