New problem, .oft extentions in Outlook 2013

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Outlook 2013 32 bit
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Without changing anything with Outlook 2013 [32-bit] w/ Win7Ult SP1, every time I start up Outlook 2013, a pop up window comes up and it's asking for files ending in the .oft (forms?) extension. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? Can you explain, if possible, why this is always popping up every time I start Outlook 2013?

Thank You.
oft or ost? What is the exact error message?

Oft is the template extension, ost is the offline file extension. If it is asking for a template, it's either due to a macro or an addin.

It's definitely an .OFT file extension. Before I went to dismiss it, I hovered my mouse over the Outlook icon in the task bar, and the title was Business Contact Manager 2013! I just noticed that tonight when I got home. Does BCM need some sort of Template to get started? I don't know, that's why I posted my question. But I can definitely tell you that BCM 2013 was NOT able to install as you saw from my log files.

Here is a screen shot of that .OFT file request, not any error message:

Outlook OFT Extension.jpg

Now to a completely unrelated request concerning BCM 2013 & iCloud:

I was reading on the MSN TechNet forums that someone else had the same exact problem I had and he solved it this way:


Thu, May 2 2013 11:35 AM


Okay, got it. I opened SQL Installation Center and manually created a instance named MSSMLBIZ with the server account "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE" and added for sys admin accounts myself (currently logged it) and "Administrators". It installed, I tried re-installing BCM -

A N D I T W O R K E D ! ! !

Now I just need to read up on how to use / customize it. I'll be using it to organize client contact, workflow management, etc. for my solo law firm. Anyone have any good links on customization for law firms?

Can you, please, explain what exactly what he did and how can I do it? Notice the date he posted it, almost the same time I was having the same problem. It just seems like a million to one chance of this happening. Now, I don't feel so incompetent. :)

Also, tonight, I was researching how to set up an iCloud account (I have an account because I have an iPhone 4), and somehow, I came up with the Slipstick. I read that I needed to download iCloudSetup.exe (v, which I did. Can I setup a POP3 account with the iCloud, or do I have to go with the IMAP account? I believe that you wrote that article. You also mentioned that you should create a account as well? The article said "When you create a account and enable email in iCloud, it creates an IMAP account in Outlook. The email is stored in a pst file."

Does that mean I'll have to e-mail accounts, & ? This I couldn't understand to clearly.

Thank you for your patients and understanding, but I think that we/you are getting close to solving this matter with BCM and now, iCloud account.

Respectfully submitted

BCM uses custom forms - but that is a weird error if its not installing.

The SQL error is permissions-related. BCM normally creates the database instance and the accounts used to log on. I don't have sql installation center installed on this computer so I can't give you the exact steps, but it's not hard - just follow the wizard.

iCloud: there are two parts: calendar, contacts, tasks sync and if you have a Me (or other apple) account, it will set up the imap account. If your apple sign in is not an apple account, it skips the email setup. So yes, it will work with a pop account.
BCM uses custom forms - but that is a weird error if its not installing.

The SQL error is permissions-related. BCM normally creates the database instance and the accounts used to log on. I don't have sql installation center installed on this computer so I can't give you the exact steps, but it's not hard - just follow the wizard.

iCloud: there are two parts: calendar, contacts, tasks sync and if you have a Me (or other apple) account, it will set up the imap account. If your apple sign in is not an apple account, it skips the email setup. So yes, it will work with a pop account.

Okay, I don't understand too much about SQL databases. So I'll try that in a couple of more days.

iCould: I do have an apple account (, so it will set up an imap account, and I can turn it into a POP account? Also, I've never heard of a Me account, so I'm okay with the account, correct? So all I have to do is run the icloudsetup.exe and stick with the defaults? Then how can make it into a POP account, are there special settings for a pop account for the icloud?

Thank You.

David :)
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