Moving .msg files back into outlook

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New Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2019 64-bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange
I have a user who saved a number of emails related to a specific project by dragging and dropping the messages from outlook into a windows file folder during the course of the project. The emails in the file folder are displayed by subject as the file name and all of the dates are the same. IE the date he moved them into the folder.

With the MSG files in the windows folder, he is unable to filter or search by sender or date sent and wants to be able to have that ability.

I created a PST file and dragged them into that folder however, now they all display as from me with the date listed at the time i dragged them into the PST file.

is there any way to import or copy these back into outlook and retain the original sender and date?
Not something I do but a quick test of the following steps resulted in original info being saved in terms of original sender and date using O'2013 (no reason to believe it would be different for earlier versions - just not near any systems that I can check at the moment)

- click on the individual .msg so it opens as the Outlook message
- from the ribbon <move> --> Copy to Folder --> select the destination folder
- when you open up the saved msg from the folder - the info is intact
Thank you very much. That did the trick.
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