Appointments from Excel to Outlook

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Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server 2013
I have the macro that moves an appointment made in Excel to Outlook calendar. My issue is every time I add a new entry in the Excel sheet and run the macro all of the appointments that I have already entered and ran previously in the Excel sheet are repeated in in Outlook calendar again. Is there a way to stop the repeat of appointments?
Outlook doesn't have a duplicate checker for appointments. :( You'd need to filter for each appointment or track the row entry imported and start with the next one.

I think I would add a field to the spreadsheet and add a value to it after the appointment is created - then tell the macro to skip rows with that value. The other option is to set a unique category to the appointments and delete all items in the category then recreate the events.

I might have some code around here that does that - i know i have some that runs on exchange (using web services) - it deletes the appointments in the spacial category and creates more from a csv.
Outlook doesn't have a duplicate checker for appointments. :( You'd need to filter for each appointment or track the row entry imported and start with the next one.

I think I would add a field to the spreadsheet and add a value to it after the appointment is created - then tell the macro to skip rows with that value. The other option is to set a unique category to the appointments and delete all items in the category then recreate the events.

I might have some code around here that does that - i know i have some that runs on exchange (using web services) - it deletes the appointments in the spacial category and creates more from a csv.

Thanks so much for replying. I am new to this and would not really know how to rework the macro. It would be great if you find the code that you speak of and I may then work the issue out that way. In the mean time I will try the other options that you mentioned.
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