attachments & time-out errors

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Email Account
This question is actually about my neighbor's Outlook 2003. When I send her a 4.1 mb zipfile her Outlook reports it as a 5.56 mb file. It downloads it at a fairly quick rate, but at the conclusion of downloading (the status bar reaches 5.56 mb) it reports an internal timeout error on the mail server. We both use Frontier as our internet provider. If she accesses her email through Frontier's Homepage/Mail the message with attached zipfile is available and the zipfile can be downloaded. The size of the zipfile using this route is listed as 4.1 mb (same as from the sending computer). She is using Frontier's antivirus and Frontier's backup utilities.

1. Any ideas why her Outlook reports such an increased size for the zipfile (5.56 mb vs. 4.1 mg)?

2. Any ideas why her Outlook reports a timeout error on the mail server, but that same zipfile has been received and is available when accessed though Frontier's Homepage/Mail? (Frontier Support does not know). I checked, and except for username/password, both of our email account settings are identical.

3. Should I increase her Outlook server-time-out setting?

Thanks for any help.
some overhead is added, but 1+MB is a bit high. What antivirus software do you both use? Scanning large files can cause issues because it takes longer to scan and outlook can't properly mark the message as downloaded. It won't hurt to increase the timeout and it might help.
Thank you, Diane. She uses Frontier's antivirus services, one of their "Personal Security Bundles". We'll try adjusting the timeout option and see if that helps. Might take a while for me to get over and do that, but I'll post back with the results.
That's a rebranded service - I couldn't find out who they use for sure but it might be AVG - most of the "big names" scan email using an outlook plugin though. One thing you can do is test it using safe mode - this disables addins and if the attachment sends better, you know its an addin.

To open Outlook in Safe mode: Close Outlook then hold Ctrl as you click on the Outlook icon. You'll get a message asking if you want to start in Safe mode. Click Ok.
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