Not all messages get downloaded in the Sent folder

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Outlook 2013 32 bit
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I have a Yahoo IMAP account configured in Outlook 2013, and when I click on the Sent folder, only a few of the messages in it get downloaded (say, between 20 and 100), and then the updating stops. If I leave the folder and come back, or click "Update folder," a few more messages get pulled in, and again the updating stops. The other curious thing is that it seems to download the messages from the past month only and then jumps back to year 2004 and starts working its way forward from there. And, finally, another bit of weirdness: on the first few updates, I can see the "FILTER APPLIED" message in the lower left-hand corner. When I click on it, though, an empty Filters window pops up, showing that no filters are configured. I have close to 11000 messages in the Sent folder dating all the way back to 2002. I have tried removing and recreating the account, but there was no improvement. Nothing like this never happened with Outlook 2010, or Thunderbird or any other email clients -- they all work just fine, pulling in all the messages in any of the folders on the first try.

Hope someone can help...
Filter applied means the imap view you are using hides messages marked for deletion. Change views and you'll see the message count.

The order outlook using to get the contents isn't unusual - outlook gets the very newest then starts with the oldest messages.

Are all folders synced yet? The sent folder is one of the last folders outlook syncs - if you click to look in it, it will get the new messages.
Filter applied means the imap view you are using hides messages marked for deletion. Change views and you'll see the message count.

The order outlook using to get the contents isn't unusual - outlook gets the very newest then starts with the oldest messages.

Are all folders synced yet? The sent folder is one of the last folders outlook syncs - if you click to look in it, it will get the new messages.

Thanks for replying.

All the other folders are, in fact, synchronized by now. The Sent folder will probably eventually synchronize completely, but the problem is that it pulls in so few messages at a time, that I'd have to sit there the whole day (or two) clicking on Update Folder again and again before it gets the entire history of close to 11,000 sent messages. Also, even retrieving those few dozen messages takes an inordinately long time -- maybe 3 minutes of so. As I watch the count, I can tell that sometimes it takes 5-10 seconds to load a single message, then flies through a few, then pauses again, and so on. It is definitely not normal behavior. Every other IMAP mail client I have tried (including Outlook 2010) retrieves the entire message history in this and any other folder, LIGHTNING-QUICK! Does everybody's Outlook 2013 behave the same way or is it just mine?
Outlook in general is slow to sync IMAP - it should sync 2 minutes then check for new mail and start syncing again. Right click on the sent folder and choose properties - is there a button to clear offline content? (I don't have an imap count set up on this computer to check).
Outlook in general is slow to sync IMAP - it should sync 2 minutes then check for new mail and start syncing again. Right click on the sent folder and choose properties - is there a button to clear offline content? (I don't have an imap count set up on this computer to check).

Well, that's the thing -- it DOESN'T start syncing again, unless I click the Update Folder button. It only syncs in spurts from, say, 30 seconds to 3 minutes or so, and then stops. I haven't noticed if it checks for mail when the syncing stops... I don't think so. And during that short time that it is syncing, it is INORDINATELY slow. When you say that Outlook is slow in general, I know what you mean, I had used Outlook 2010 for years before switching to the 2013 version, and it IS slower than just about any other email client out there, but this is a completely different kind of "slow." Like I had mentioned before, it may fly through a few messages, then sit on a single one for a few seconds, then load some more, and then just stop, and every time I click Update Folder, it's the same story. It almost looks as though it may be trying to load the messages with all the attachments, rather than just the headers, and then timing out when it hits some larger files. I am not saying that that's what's really happening, but it kind of looks like that...
Oh, attachments. Outlook 2013 doesn't do headers only, it gets full messages. I'm guessing either there is some corruption in the messages (common with AOL) or larger attachments. Did you raise the timeout in account settings, more settings?
Oh, attachments. Outlook 2013 doesn't do headers only, it gets full messages. I'm guessing either there is some corruption in the messages (common with AOL) or larger attachments. Did you raise the timeout in account settings, more settings?

Yes, I did raise the timeout -- I have it at 2 min. But it's not this timeout that causes the sync to stop, because the time that passes between the last processed message and Outlook abandoning sync is mere seconds. I know this because I can see the "Syncing" indicator in the status bar at the bottom.
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