Repeated RSS items downloads

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Outlook 2021 64 bit
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Is there any way to prevent Outlook from repeatedly downloading more or less the same items from an RSS source? The option "Any RSS Feed item that is updated appears as new" is off. The feed in question is SANS Information Security Reading Room (I think they had some issues with the feed or website recently, and since then I've been getting repeated copies of select items along with new items; or just the old ones when no new ones are published; interestingly enough, InoReader doesn't display these items repeatedly).

I've had this issue with another feed quite a while ago, and I'm not sure if it's Outlook-related or publisher-related.

(By they way, what is the option "Synchronize RSS Feeds to the Common Feed List (CFL) in Windows" for?)
The only option I know of is the one you changed. Is more than one feed affected? If so, it would more likely be outlook, but right now I think its the server.

Common feed list shares the list between windows and outlook. If you use multiple profiles, the RSS feeds are added to each profile automatically. I had an admin who had it enabled and set his profile on a users computer to test something. His feeds ended up in the users profile.
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