oft templates not sending changes

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Outlook 2013 32 bit
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I am using outlook 2013 and when I open my OFT templates and make additions like adding a name in the body when I send the email it shows as the original template

Any thoughts?
I have saved and recreated the templates but anytime I use the template the additions I make to the email aren't updated.
I am running Office 2013 32bit on a Windows 7 64 bit OS.

I have some custom templates created in Outlook 2013 that I use frequently. They are general templates that I add/modify before sending.

This has worked fine for me in the past.

I have just noticed that now when I make the modifications they revert to the default template once I send it.
E.g. Let's say my templates body states "There will be an outage on" and I add "Thursday, February 24" to it. After I press "send" the recepient only recieves "There will be an outage on".

I checked my "Sent" folder and found the last time it worked correctly was on Jan 31. I haven't installed anything other than MS Updates. I uninstalled all the updates related to Office but still no luck. Anyone have any ideas?
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