RSS feeds and google

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Outlook 2016 64 bit
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Dear Forum,

I am happy using Outlook as my feed reader. Normally when I click the red RSS feed button a page opens and I cut and paste the URL into Outlook and then the feeds come.

I use google chrome and now when I click the RSS feed google chrome asks me to install a google app. This I don't want to do as I want to read my feeds in Outlook.

Can anyone help with this? I know the problem is google but I find all the google stuff too much. There are some google things I want, I am happy with chrome as my browser. you-tune I want but .... They are interconnecting them all, it is messy - as big brother as microsoft!!

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best,

Bill Z
I'll have to test this with google. I know when there is an rss link, I copy and paste it into outlook. You can check the defaults in windows control panel and see if outlook is the default for rss.
I'll have to test this with google. I know when there is an rss link, I copy and paste it into outlook. You can check the defaults in windows control panel and see if outlook is the default for rss.

Since writing this question I have discovered that if you right click and copy the link address you copy it into Outlook. I couldn't login yesterday to post this. Thanks Diane for the post.
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