Outlook Keeps Synchronizing IMAP "Sent Mail" Folder

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Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2013 32 bit
Email Account
I'm running Outlook 2013 on my Windows 8.1 desktop and I sync with my Google e-mail IMAP account. It's been working fine up until yesterday. While in Outlook, if I now click on the "Sent Mail" folder, the status bar at the bottom says "Synchronizing "Sent Mail" and will stay like this indefinitely. I've also notices that the last couple messages that I sent show up in my Google Sent Folder, but do not appear in my Outlook Sent Mail folder. Some other strange e-mail related things have been happening. I tried sending an e-mail message with a small pdf attachment and the recipient did not receive it. I did get a "System Administrator" message back saying indicating the recipient could not be reached. If I send an e-mail without the attachment, it works. I also have gotten the Outlook message warning that a program is trying to access my e-mail. Thinking it is my "CompanionLink" program, I said allow. I even tried sending some e-mails with some large pictures and they would not get sent. Have no idea if all of these are related to my stated problem above. I have run the "Office Repair" and have closed the "CompanionLink" program and no success. Any ideas on what the problem might be?
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