how can Apply User-defined Field to all Sub Folder and Other

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Outlook 2010 32 bit
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I have contact folder above 15 so. we create any field one folder how can apply same field my other all folder use micro and 1 click
Thanks for Reply
we already use " AssignViewtoFolder " your Micro Code
this tool Perfect same type Code Possible for User Field New " Assign User Field to All Folder"
please Guide me..

we have new User Field above 20 to 22 Field
we have Contact folder Above 50 to 60 Separate Name
every field Create all Folder one by one add work more time
so any Code Assign Apply Created New User Field Apply to all folder

[Did you try creating a view containing the field and applying it to the folder? ]

View and Apply All folder... But..
Display User Filed all folder but ' Field Chooser > User Filed > Not Display our NEW CREATED FIELD
How can Possible Display all Field ?
View and Apply All folder... But..
Display User Filed all folder but ' Field Chooser > User Filed > Not Display our NEW CREATED FIELD
How can Possible Display all Field ?
It sounds like the field is not a field in the folder, but in an item, so it's not seen by the view. I'll have to think on what might be the best way to handle this.
After the For line that sets the folder, try creating the custom field if it doesn't exist - this example adds it to the subfolders - the field needs to already exist in the parent folder.

For i = CurrentFolder.Folders.Count To 1 Step -1
Set olNewFolder = CurrentFolder.Folders(i)
For Each olNewFolder In CurrentFolder.Folders

' replace olNewFolder with the object name you are using for folders.
With olNewFolder.UserDefinedProperties
'On Error Resume Next
Set objProperty = .Add("fieldname1", type, optional format)
Set objProperty = .Add("fieldname2", olDuration)
Set objProperty = .Add("fieldname3", olYesNo, olFormatYesNoYesNo)
End With

Types & formats: UserDefinedProperty.DisplayFormat Property (Outlook) - if a format is not specified, the default format is used.
Specially Thank ...
how can do it ..
this is a MICRO ?
how can use this please explain detail
look in the macro code you are using now. The AssignViewtoFolder macro at Apply a View to a Folder using a Macro has this line -

For Each F In Folders
Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = F

After setting the folder to the F object, add this, using the field names and field types used by your fields. (Text fields are olText)

With F.UserDefinedProperties
'On Error Resume Next
Set objProperty = .Add("myfield", olText)
End With
Public Sub AssignViewtoFolders()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Ns As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim Folders As Outlook.Folders
Dim CurrF As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim F As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim ExpandDefaultStoreOnly As Boolean
Set Ns = Application.GetNamespace("Mapi")
Set CurrF = Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder
Set F = Ns.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set F = F.Parent
Set Folders = F.Folders
LoopFolders Folders, True

Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = CurrF
End Sub
Private Sub LoopFolders(Folders As Outlook.Folders, _
ByVal bRecursive As Boolean _
Dim F As Outlook.MAPIFolder
For Each F In Folders
Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = F

If F.DefaultItemType = olContactItem Then
Debug.Print F.Name
Set objViews = F.Views
Set objView = objViews.Item("Assigned")
End If
If bRecursive Then
If F.Folders.Count Then
LoopFolders F.Folders, bRecursive
End If
End If
End Sub
we use Above Type of Code
My new field Native State Text /Text

please save 1 user field Set after we add line my other user field

Native State - Text -Text
Native District
Native Taluka
Native Gaon
our user field name

we have not more technical knowledge please set all micro code
Hello Please send me ready to micro use for use
we can field name add ' filed Name'
That macro just applies the view to all folders - if the field does not exist, the view won't add it to the view. I don't know if i have any code samples that copy the folder - will check.

After the For line that sets the folder, try creating the custom field if it doesn't exist - this example adds it to the subfolders - the field needs to already exist in the parent folder.

For i = CurrentFolder.Folders.Count To 1 Step -1
Set olNewFolder = CurrentFolder.Folders(i)
For Each olNewFolder In CurrentFolder.Folders

' replace olNewFolder with the object name you are using for folders.
With olNewFolder.UserDefinedProperties
'On Error Resume Next
Set objProperty = .Add("fieldname1", type, optional format)
Set objProperty = .Add("fieldname2", olDuration)
Set objProperty = .Add("fieldname3", olYesNo, olFormatYesNoYesNo)
End With

Types & formats: UserDefinedProperty.DisplayFormat Property (Outlook) - if a format is not specified, the default format is used.
we use Above Type of Code
My new field Native State Text /Text

please save 1 user field Set after we add line my other user field

Native State - Text -Text
Native District- Text -Text
Native Taluka- Text -Text
Native Gaon- Text -Text
our user New Create field name

please any micro solution Contact folder and other folder or sub folder apply User field to all folder
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