Folder layout

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Outlook 2021 64 bit
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I run manual archiving yearly, which creates a new PST file with a copy of the main folder tree for each year.

The main folder tree has the standard layout; i.e., a group of four folders with special icons (Inbox, Drafts, Sent Items, Deleted Items), then all other folders in alphabetical order, mostly with plain icons.

The archive folder trees have the same standard layout, except this year, which has just the Deleted Items folder with a special icon, then all other folders -- including Inbox, Drafts, and Sent Items -- in alphabetical order, with plain icons.

The non-standard folder layout does not appear to affect any functionality; however, what would cause it to be different this time, and is there a way to apply the standard layout?
I'm not sure why the folder icons are different - it definitely won't affect the pst or the folders themselves. Setting the pst to be the delivery location for an account might fix the icons, setting it as the default might fix it too, but will create any of the default folders that might be missing (calendar, contacts, tasks etc).
Thanks for your reply. Yes, temporarily setting the new archive PST as the default standardized the folder layout and icons (although doing this caused all rules to disappear for some reason; however, fortunately, I had a backup of the rules that I was able to import).
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