Using email notification to update calendar events?

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N Frechette

Outlook version
Outlook 2016 64 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange
Hello everyone and Thank You for your time.

I'm seek for a way to use email notifications that I receive in Outlook 2016, to automatically update event titles in a shared Outlook calendar, that will occur within a 7-14 days period from the date received.

I have filters setup to place the notification into a specific folder in my account. The shared calendar contains all reoccurring events that I’m looking to update the event titles of.

Currently I am manually doing the following: When a notification arrives, I switch to the calendar, find the event then pre-append an envelope (✉) symbol to the event title (but not the entire series). This is a visual indication to others, that share the calendar, an email notification was received for that particular event.

Email notifications are sent out (typically 7-14 in advance of the scheduled calendar event) from a preventive maintenance system as work orders. The work orders are identified by a TE-number. The same TE-number is also used in the calendar event title. I’m seeking to update the current event, of the series, programmable.

TE-number also has an interval identification as a suffixes: W, BW, M, BM, SA, SA-1, SA-2 and A.

Previous attempts to do this on my own just aren't working, so I'm looking to starting over. I have some familiarity with VBA, just need a basic framework to get me going in the right direction. Any help would be appreciated.

Email Notifications

Calendar Events
it sounds like the emails are formatting something like the sample here - Create Appointment From Email Automatically - in this case, the macro creates a new item. It needs to do a lookup of the calendar using Find or Restrict then update the event.
The email notifications are actual emails, not meeting updates, correct? When you receive the email notification, does the appointment already exist?

I was going to work on a macro to update but it would really work best if the email can be identified as an update to a previous event - otherwise the macro would need to search the calendar every time a specifically formatted message arrived. Reducing the # of searches would be the better option.
Yes, they are emails and the events are already scheduled as a series of recurring events.
Both the email subject and event title are identified by the specific TE-number.

In my previous attempts, I could not figure out how to update specific calendar events without changing the calendar series.
You need to find the series and get the exception - it takes a bit more code. I don’t have code samples that edit an occurrence, only code to find the series and get each date within it, but I think there are some samples at msdn. I’m on my iPad right now and can’t play with any right now though.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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