Removing Recipients from an automatic response

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
I have been working on an issue for the past few days (I am not a programmer by any means) and have cobbled together the following from several different places. What I am trying to do is create the macro where it creates an email based off of a template, includes the original, addresses it to ONLY the original recipient, and delay send for to days. So far everything works except for the recipient part. I cant figure out how to have it ONLY go to the original recipient, and not those on the BCC. Any help would be great, thank you!
Sub SendNew()
Debug.Print ("Starting SendNew")
Dim recip As Outlook.Recipient

For Each SelectedItem In ActiveExplorer.Selection
If SelectedItem.Class = OlObjectClass.olMail Then
Debug.Print ("Loop found Mail Item " + TypeName(SelectedItem))
Dim item As MailItem
Set item = SelectedItem

Dim newMsg As MailItem
Set newMsg = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:\Users\me\Documents\Outlook Files\TestTemplate.oft")

newMsg.HTMLBody = newMsg.HTMLBody + item.HTMLBody

For Each recip In item.Recipients

If Not recip = "" + "" Then
newMsg.Recipients.Add recip

End If

Next recip

newMsg.DeferredDeliveryTime = DateAdd("w", 2, Now)


End If
Next SelectedItem
End Sub
You can filter the recipients by type

        For Each recip In item.Recipients

            If Not recip.Type = olBCC Then

                If Not recip = "" + "" Then

                    newMsg.Recipients.Add recip

                End If              

            End If

        Next recip
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