Easier way to Preview of Form Region
I found a way to make the design and "Preview" easier without a Add-in.
If you define the manifest in a way that you don't define a add-in instead provide the path to the Formregion file then you can
modify and test the form quite easyly.
Set the newly registered form as default form for a folder via the Outlook Userinterface (Folder-Properties)
When you now create a new item in this folder you will see your new Form in action.
The nice thing about it is, that you can modify the form in the designer, save it and just create a ew item an you will see the
changes without changing the Add-In or to restart Outlook.
<kenslovak@mvps.org> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:uf6cxw3FKHA.1380@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> Right, that and how it will look in conjunction with the actual form all need to be run from an addin to see.
> >
> "escamoteur" <mail@burkharts.net> wrote in message news:1A058137-FD0F-46B3-8307-2BECA18D9D21@microsoft.com...
> > Ok, I see it in the designer, but I can't see how it will look like with automatic layout.
>> " - " <kenslovak@mvps.org> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:e1oYnP2FKHA.1340@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
> >> The form region itself will be there in the designer, but to see how it looks with the underlying item you need to run it from
> >> an addin.
> >
>>> > >>
> >>
> >
>>> "escamoteur" <mail@burkharts.net> wrote in message news:BBCDA954-27B8-4A26-998D-3C6F59AFE36A@microsoft.com...
> >>> Hi,
> >>
>>>> is a beginners question, but can I preview a completly new designed Form Region from the Form Designer or can it only be
> >>> displayed from my addin??
> >>
>>>> Best
> >>
>>>> Tom
> >>