Blocking list

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wander
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It would be very helpful if you had a button that we could choose to add to

our customized ribbon or toolbar that says BLOCK Messages which we could

click and then give us the option to click block sender or block domain and

use just click it rather than us have to make up a rule to do this. I was

thinking that my outlook express used to do this, but I am not using

outlook2007 and it doesn't. Can you please add it. It was very fast and

useful tool for me. HUGS<

Right-click the message in the folder's item list and choose Junk E-mail |

Add Sender to Blocked Senders List.

Sue Mosher

"Wander" <Wander> wrote in message
> It would be very helpful if you had a button that we could choose to add
> to
> our customized ribbon or toolbar that says BLOCK Messages which we could
> click and then give us the option to click block sender or block domain
> and
> use just click it rather than us have to make up a rule to do this. I was
> thinking that my outlook express used to do this, but I am not using
> outlook2007 and it doesn't. Can you please add it. It was very fast and
> useful tool for me. HUGS<
> Wanda
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