->[O2007] Any way to know the Plain Text Wrap limit?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve JORDI
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I'd like to know how to retrieve the value of he

Text Wrap specified in

Tools->options->Mail Format->Internet Format->"Automatically Wrap Text

At 76"

I'd like to retrieve the 76...

Any way to do this?

Thanks for any help.



(Remove the K_I_L_LSPAM from my email address)

----------------1197 Prangins Email: stevejordiK_I_L_LSPAM@hotmail.com

Switzerland WWW: www.sjordi.com

----------------Volcanoes at www.sjordi.com/volcanoes

MovieDB at www.sjmoviedb.com

Have you yet changed the value, then searched in the registry for it? I

guess it's stored there.

Best regards

Michael Bauer

Am Fri, 15 Jan 2010 10:51:50 +0100 schrieb Steve JORDI:

> Hi,
> I'd like to know how to retrieve the value of he
> Text Wrap specified in
> Tools->options->Mail Format->Internet Format->"Automatically Wrap Text
> At 76"

> I'd like to retrieve the 76...

> Any way to do this?

> Thanks for any help.

> Sincerely,
> Steve JORDI

> (Remove the K_I_L_LSPAM from my email address)
> ----------------------------------------------> 1197 Prangins Email: stevejordiK_I_L_LSPAM@hotmail.com
> Switzerland WWW: www.sjordi.com
> ----------------------------------------------> Volcanoes at www.sjordi.com/volcanoes
> MovieDB at www.sjmoviedb.com
> ------------------------------------------------
On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 17:30:59 +0100, "Michael Bauer "

<mb@mvps.org> wrote:

> Have you yet changed the value, then searched in the registry for it? I
> guess it's stored there.

Well, didn't find it. It's actually hard as numers appear in almost

everywhere with those CLSID strings... so the margin value, no matter

what I set is likely to be found anywhere in the registry, even if I

limit the search to the Outlook branch

I thought it was a built-in function or property available directly

from VBA.

Thanks anyway.



(Remove the K_I_L_LSPAM from my email address)

----------------1197 Prangins Email: stevejordiK_I_L_LSPAM@hotmail.com

Switzerland WWW: www.sjordi.com

----------------Volcanoes at www.sjordi.com/volcanoes

MovieDB at www.sjmoviedb.com

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