Notification/Popup Box not showing on right side

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Hi ,

I have setup the rule , when my name is on CC from sender , the email goes to the particular folder i.e. "CC" folder and it doesn't go directly to inbox. When I get those emails, I can't see the the popup/msg(Email notifier) which normally comes on the right side of the desktop when ever I get emails.

For normal emails which directly come to my inbox I can see the email notifier (popup) on thei right side of the window.

I hope it make sense.

Appreciate your help

How can I see the notifier when its showing normally when emails is arriving which meant to go to particular folder except inbox

Outlookversion I'm using is 2007

Kind regards,

What type of email account? If Exchange with server side rules, its to be expected because the message is moved on the server. For other account types, you can add an action to display an alert (a blue window alert) and/or play a sound.
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