Country name no longer shows in Phone number popup?

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Outlook version
Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
Office 365 Exchange

When double clicking a contact and then clicking one of the phone number buttons the following popup appears:


Now in older versions of Outlook, all country codes were translated into the country name (+41 would be Switzerland for example) and shown in the popup. However that seems to now not be the case, has it really been removed? It was very useful to quickly see where exactly e.g. +31 was!

That's really annoying! It was a great way to verify the country of a contact of which you only had the phone number. Pffff

How much sway do you hold with MS then? :)
... and surely now there is more room for error. I often confuse (for some bizarre reason) +41 and +44, however if I get the visual confirmation in text of which country that is, I quickly correct the error...
I don't have a lot of sway - opening a support case is better because it gets the issue into their tracked database - but i can discuss it with them and can sometimes get some traction on an issue.
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