User cannot send attachments

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User has Outlook 2003 on Windows 7 box. Had been working fine when all of a sudden he cannot send attachments any more. I created a new profile today and he sent 2 test messages with attachments. I received nothing, while one recipient that sits near him received an error both times stating that the connection to the server was interrupted (0X800CCC0F). Emails reach recipients when attachment is not present.
Do attachments get sent when the sender uses Safe mode? To open Outlook in Safe mode: Close Outlook then hold Ctrl as you click on the Outlook icon. You'll get a message asking if you want to start in Safe mode. Click Ok.

Problems like this are usually the result of an over-active spam or virus scanner. If it works as expected in safe mode, it's a good clue that it is a scanner addin.
I will try to verify the safe mode option tomorrow, however; I don't have any spam filtering or anything scanning emails as that was disabled some time ago when the issue first appeared. Or, did you mean it could be a remnant add-in within Outlook? Thanks for the response Diane.
I launched Outlook in safe mode and sent myself an attachment <50Kb from the problem computer, and I did not get any email at all. I also verified that messages were not being sent in Rich Text, and also that it is set to convert to HTML..if that helps.
No message was received at all, nothing in the junk folder. In testing Outlook in standard mode, I just disabled a Symantec COM add-in and tried resending. I received the test message, but no attachment. I used two other test recipients and they both received an ERROR (0X800CCC0F) while trying to receive the test message with the attachment. I noticed this ERROR on one of the test recipients last Friday when I was troubleshooting. I am running out of ideas.

Now that the COM add-in for Symantec is disabled, I will launch outlook in safe mode and reply once I have tested it.
I launched Outlook in safe mode and tried sending the two test recipients and myself an attachment. Both test recipients received the server interrupted (0X800CCC0F) ERROR. I did not receive anything yet. On a side note, test recipients are using Outlook 2003, while I have been using Outlook 2010.
Set up account in Windows Live Mail. Sent test messages as before and both users received the (0X800CCC0F) error as they did when it was sent using Outlook. I did not receive anything at all, junk mail was empty. I also tested trying to send a message with an attachment using web mail. Same errors for the two test recipients, I received nothing.
The test recipients are using Outlook? Are you using the internet security suite? Are you using any antispy or antimalware apps? Which firewall do you use?

What port are you using? Using SSL? Does your host provide multiple ports? Switching ports and using SSL can get around sneaky scanners (that error is almost always due to scanners - its actually the only cause i am aware of).

Did you also test with messages without attachments? Try sending a no-attachment message then one with an attachment a little bit later - do you get the error before or after the no-attachment message is downloaded? (I'm not sure it will tell us anything though.)
The test recipients are using Outlook? - YES

Are you using the internet security suite? - What do you mean?

Are you using any antispy or antimalware apps? No

Which firewall do you use? - Sonicwall TZ-210. It has been in place for over 1 year. No changes.

What port are you using? POP:110 SMTP: 25

Using SSL? NO

Does your host provide multiple ports? No Idea, but unlikely

Switching ports and using SSL can get around sneaky scanners (that error is almost always due to scanners - its actually the only cause i am aware of).

Did you also test with messages without attachments? YES - Messages go through without attachments

Try sending a no-attachment message then one with an attachment a little bit later -

do you get the error before or after the no-attachment message is downloaded? Both test recipients receive the error before the message is downloaded.

(I'm not sure it will tell us anything though.)

Thanks in advance.
I apologize for being off topic; however, I am brand new and can not find anyplace (link) to start a new post. I have sent a message to the moderator but have received no reply. Can anyone point me in the right dirtection? The FAQs tell me how to format a post but nowhere can I find where to actually post a new post.
Thanx John Mourning
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