Meeting Item SentOn Value

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I'm outlook 2007 sp3 (12.0.6662.5000). I'm trying to use VBA to: convert an open Meeting Item to my local calendar and ask if I want to forward the Meeting Item. If I do, I want to get the Date\Time it was forwarded. But after I issue the .Send command, I cant access any of the Meeting Item's properties such as .SentOn. I receive an error message box saying "Run Time Error...The item has been moved or deleted." Here's my code: Sub MeetingRequest2() On Error GoTo Err_MeetingRequest: Const conPropTag As String = "" Dim bytResponse As Byte Dim intRetVal As Integer Dim objApptFd As MeetingItem Dim objRequest As MeetingItem Dim objResponse As MeetingItem Dim objItems As Outlook.Items Dim objItemsInDateRange As Outlook.Items Dim objApptOri As Outlook.AppointmentItem Dim strForwardedTo As String Dim strRestriction As String Dim strTemp As String ' get open message '****************************************************************************************************** Set objRequest = GetCurrentItem() If TypeName(objRequest) "MeetingItem" Then MsgBox "'" & objRequest.Subject & "' is not a meeting request." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Code will exit" GoTo Exit_MeetingRequest End If 'save currently open meeting to appointment Set objApptOri = objRequest.GetAssociatedAppointment(True) Set objResponse = objApptOri.Respond(3) objResponse.Send 'forward intRetVal = MsgBox("For " & vbCrLf & "'" & objApptOri.Subject & "'" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _ & "Forward ?", vbDefaultButton1 + vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Calendar Appointment") If intRetVal = vbYes Then Set objApptFd = objRequest.Forward objApptFd.Recipients.Add ("") objApptFd.Send strTemp = objApptFd.SentOn End If Exit_MeetingRequest: Exit Sub Err_MeetingRequest: MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbCritical, "MeetingRequest" Resume Exit_MeetingRequest End Sub
You need to set the string before send

strTemp = objApptFd.SentOn


Sub MeetingRequest2() 
On Error GoTo Err_MeetingRequest: 
Const conPropTag  As String = "" 
Dim bytResponse As Byte 
Dim intRetVal As Integer 
Dim objApptFd As MeetingItem 
Dim objRequest As MeetingItem 
Dim objResponse As MeetingItem 
Dim objItems As Outlook.Items 
Dim objItemsInDateRange As Outlook.Items 
Dim objApptOri As Outlook.AppointmentItem 
Dim strForwardedTo As String 
Dim strRestriction As String 
Dim strTemp As String 
' get open message 
Set objRequest = GetCurrentItem() 
If TypeName(objRequest) <> "MeetingItem" Then 
MsgBox "'" & objRequest.Subject & "' is not a meeting request." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Code will exit" 
GoTo Exit_MeetingRequest 
End If 
'save currently open meeting to appointment 
Set objApptOri = objRequest.GetAssociatedAppointment(True) 
Set objResponse = objApptOri.Respond(3) 
intRetVal = MsgBox("For " & vbCrLf & "'" & objApptOri.Subject & "'" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _ 
& "Forward ?", vbDefaultButton1 + vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Calendar Appointment") 
If intRetVal = vbYes Then 
Set objApptFd = objRequest.Forward 
objApptFd.Recipients.Add ("") 
strTemp = objApptFd.SentOn 
End If 
Exit_MeetingRequest:  ' 
Exit Sub 
Err_MeetingRequest:     MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbCritical, "MeetingRequest" 
Resume Exit_MeetingRequest 
End Sub
Thanks for the response. I've tried that before, and I just tried it again, and it returns "1/1/4501". I've Google'd that and the answers say "1/1/4501" means "not yet sent". What am I missing ? Thanks
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