Sending error

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I have Outlook 2007 and several gmail accounts. Recently, I haven't been able to send. I get an error that says: Sending reported error (0x8004210B): 'The operation timed out waiting for a response from the sending (STMP) server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).'

1) Is this an Outlook problem or a Google problem?

2) What does it mean "contact your server administrator"? This is a home PC. Should I then call AT&T

I CAN copy the email, go to my gmail page and send it through there, but then, what is the point of having Outlook?
I wouldn't call ATT - they'll deny its a problem on their end and tell you to call Microsoft. :) I'm guessing it's either ATT or Gmail, unless it started right after updates were installed.

Try raising the time out in Tools, Account Settings, double click on the account then More Settings, Advanced tab. While you are in this dialog, check the port # for SMTP and also see if you are authenticating with the Outgoing server (the option to use the incoming server user/password should be checked) The outgoing port should be 587 and use TLS or auto selected.
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