Extracting user-defined details from a public folder

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Vaughan Davies

New Member
Outlook version
Email Account
Exchange Server

A few years ago (with the help of Sue Mosher's book on Outlook Programming) I created a simple Outlook-based application for recording notes and actions relating to current projects. Users complete simple forms and these are saved to a public folder on our Exchange 2010 server. There are a number of user defined fields in the folder like "Project Number", "Customer" and "Complete (Y/N)".

Now I have been asked to produce a regular printed report drawing together these notes with other details from the company's ERP system. The report has to be printed because it will form part of the agenda for a regular Project Meeting with senior staff.

My initial idea was to link to the folder from Access using the provided Outlook link. I can get at the other data using SQL, it would simple be a matter of creating an Access report that provided all the information in the required format. However the Access to Outlook link does not return any user-defined fields.

I have done some Googling and discovered that the Exoledb provider was discontinued in Exchange 2010, and replaced by something else (WebDAV? or possibly EWA?). At any rate I'm now way out of my comfort zone.

So is there an obvious, easy way to get the data from the public folder into my report that I'm missing? Or if I have to learn to use one or both of these tools, or indeed something else, can anyone point me towards some basic instructions on using them?


How do I get Public Folder user-defined data into an Access table
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