Can't delete IMAP folder

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Outlook 2016 64 bit
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I have two IMAP folders that I can't delete: spam and Archive. The option, accessible via right-click, is greyed out in Outlook. I am not subscribed to them. I don't see them on the server in Roundcube's list of folders on the mail tab, but they do appear in the Settings -> Folders list. I tried to delete them from here, but after reloading the page they reappear. My Outlook has only the standard Add-ins, CompanionLink, and GpgOL.
If you are using as the IMAP mail server, or a similar service, I would suggest that these two folders are part of the server's functionality and are therefore protected from deletion.

I may stand to be corrected, but that would be my guess.

Kind regards,

spam and Archive
A folder named "Spam" is added by either the server or a 3rd party security addin (AVG, Norton, etc). Outlook calls it's default spam folder 'junk email'.

Archive could be an Outlook folder, if you used or Office365. The new Archive feature in Outlook 2016 also works in other accounts, but the archive folder can be deleted from those accounts.
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