Cannot Delete Emails from IMAP inbox

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Outlook 2010 32 bit
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I have just installed Outlook 2016 32bit onto a fresh install of WIN10 pro. I have setup 3 different IMAP email accounts in Outlook 2016 and now i cannot delete emails from the inbox of the default email account. I have searched for answers and I have tried the most recommended solution of addiing Inbox to the root folder in Advanced settings. it makes no difference if that is done or not. The 2 other account one of which is a gmail account and the other a Go Daddy webmail acct. both of those work fine. My default business emai account is a smartermail web account and it has worked fine for the past 2 years on outlook2013 32bit on win7.
Appreciate any help i can get on this. I am concenerned that if a i recreate a new profile for outlook i will lose all my tasks, calendar, meetings, auto suggest of names in new emails, quick parts, rules, email templates etc. I got all of that over from a backup of my 2013 outlook. The only thing that does not seem right so far is the deletion of emails from the inbox. This is the message i get when i try to delete an email :
"This item cannot be moved. It was already moved or deleted, or access was denied."
Try turning off the mark as read option - view, reading pane, options - the first two boxes should be unchecked. Then read a message in the reading pane (or don't open it if its junk mail :)) and try to delete it. If that works, it's a goofy bug where the changes haven't fully synced. You can try changing the delete setting - in file, account settings, double click on the problem account then more settings - advanced tab, last options. Add a check to mark for deletion and see if that works.
Try turning off the mark as read option - view, reading pane, options - the first two boxes should be unchecked. Then read a message in the reading pane (or don't open it if its junk mail :)) and try to delete it. If that works, it's a goofy bug where the changes haven't fully synced. You can try changing the delete setting - in file, account settings, double click on the problem account then more settings - advanced tab, last options. Add a check to mark for deletion and see if that works.
Thanks for the reply and suggestions. Unfortunately none of them worked. I am now considering going back to office 2013. I may give this one more go and try:
1) New fresh install of Outlook 2016, if still does not work then will try to create a new Outlook Profiel and see what that does and if that does noting then will try going back to Office/Outlook 2013 32bit
will try going back to Office/Outlook 2013 32bit
Are you using office 365 consumer (home, personal, or university) or a business version? As of today, there should be a link to install 2013 in the consumer accounts. I'm not sure about businesses accounts.

But... if its the problem i think it is, the behavior is the same in 2013.
Are you using office 365 consumer (home, personal, or university) or a business version? As of today, there should be a link to install 2013 in the consumer accounts. I'm not sure about businesses accounts.

But... if its the problem i think it is, the behavior is the same in 2013.
Diane, THANK You for your help and suggestions. I still have no idea what the magic pill was that got things working. After trying numerous configs and reinstall of my Office 365 Home subscription with outlook 32bit on my win10 pro 64bit laptop. i went back in to verify the reader pane view settings you recommended, added back in Inbox to root folder and then i checked off BOTH of the deletion check boxes in advanced settings. Once i did that then much to my surprise the deletion X now reappered within each email in the inbox and upong clicking on that the message moved to deleted items. I did also discover that my webmail dleted items box had 1200 deleted items and i purged all of them. Not sure if that played a part in this issue or not. But anyhow it is now working. Just wanted to give you this update.
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