I purchased Outlook 07 with BCM, looking to have everything integrated and
wanting to dump ACT!!
BCM seems a bit disperse to me, but what surprised me was what I think is a
BCM has lots of useless little stuff, and is missing a crucial element. They
built a house full of stuff inside and forgot to put a DOOR!!!!. You have to
get in through the window!!!!
There is a reason BCM is part of Outlook, and its because one of your main
contact points with Business Contacts is E Mail. So you would think you could
create a Business Contact from an E Mail - And you would be mistaken!!!!!!!
you cant!!!!!!
You have to create a Contact, Go to your contact screen, search for the
contact you just created and move it to your business contacts folder!!!!. I
lost count of how many clicks that takes.
I guess this is fine if you get one lead a week, but if you want to use this
to manage business contacts and manage your sales, forget it!!! Might as well
go back to paper files!!!!
I don't know who the product manager is for this product, but you should
call him back from vacations and ask him to take some stronger coffee in the
morning. Come on guys!!! This is BASIC Stuff? No sales guys in Microsoft to
talk to? Or does everyone in Microsoft just take orders? Maybe they just use
I have more if anyone is interested.
wanting to dump ACT!!
BCM seems a bit disperse to me, but what surprised me was what I think is a
BCM has lots of useless little stuff, and is missing a crucial element. They
built a house full of stuff inside and forgot to put a DOOR!!!!. You have to
get in through the window!!!!
There is a reason BCM is part of Outlook, and its because one of your main
contact points with Business Contacts is E Mail. So you would think you could
create a Business Contact from an E Mail - And you would be mistaken!!!!!!!
you cant!!!!!!
You have to create a Contact, Go to your contact screen, search for the
contact you just created and move it to your business contacts folder!!!!. I
lost count of how many clicks that takes.
I guess this is fine if you get one lead a week, but if you want to use this
to manage business contacts and manage your sales, forget it!!! Might as well
go back to paper files!!!!
I don't know who the product manager is for this product, but you should
call him back from vacations and ask him to take some stronger coffee in the
morning. Come on guys!!! This is BASIC Stuff? No sales guys in Microsoft to
talk to? Or does everyone in Microsoft just take orders? Maybe they just use
I have more if anyone is interested.