Setting appointment label

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul
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I'm using office 2003.

I'm using the code below to change the label for my appointments based on

the subject contents, but when I run the code not all the appointments are

changed to the assigned label. Some will stay white...

Any ideas anybody?



Sub Label()

Dim objOutlook As New Outlook.Application

Dim objNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace

Dim objFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder

Dim objAppointement As Outlook.AppointmentItem

Dim objAttachment As Outlook.Attachment

Dim objNetwork As Object

Dim lngDeletedAppointements As Long

Dim lngCleanedAppointements As Long

Dim lngCleanedAttachments As Long

Dim blnRestart As Boolean

Dim intDateDiff As Integer

Set objOutlook = Outlook.Application

Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")

Set objFolder =


For Each objAppointement In objFolder.Items


If objAppointement.Subject = "x" Then

Call SetApptColorLabel(objAppointement, 1)

ElseIf objAppointement.Subject = "y" Then

Call SetApptColorLabel(objAppointement, 2)

ElseIf objAppointement.Subject = "r" Then

Call SetApptColorLabel(objAppointement, 3)

ElseIf objAppointement.Subject = "t" Then

Call SetApptColorLabel(objAppointement, 4)

ElseIf objAppointement.Subject = "g" Then

Call SetApptColorLabel(objAppointement, 5)

End If


End Sub

Sub SetApptColorLabel(objAppt As Object, _

intColor As Integer)

Const CdoPropSetID1 = "0220060000000000C000000000000046"

Const CdoAppt_Colors = "0x8214"

Dim objCDO As Object

Dim objMsg As Object

Dim colFields As Object

Dim objField As Object

Dim strMsg As String

Dim intAns As Integer

On Error Resume Next

Set objCDO = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")

objCDO.Logon "", "", False, False

If Not objAppt.EntryID = "" Then

Set objMsg = objCDO.GetMessage(objAppt.EntryID, objAppt.Parent.StoreID)

Set colFields = objMsg.Fields

Set objField = colFields.Item(CdoAppt_Colors, CdoPropSetID1)

If objField Is Nothing Then


Set objField = colFields.Add(CdoAppt_Colors, vbLong, intColor, CdoPropSetID1)


objField.Value = intColor

End If

objMsg.Update True, True


strMsg = "You must save the appointment before you add a color label. " & _

"Do you want to save the appointment now?"

intAns = MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, "Set Appointment Color


If intAns = vbYes Then

Call SetApptColorLabel(objAppt, intColor)


Exit Sub

End If

End If

Set objAppt = Nothing

Set objMsg = Nothing

Set colFields = Nothing

Set objField = Nothing


Set objCDO = Nothing

End Sub
Where is this code running? If it's in the Outlook VBA project you should

never use New to set an Outlook.Application object, use the intrinsic and

trusted Application object. If it's not running in Outlook then using New

set objOutlook, don't set it again.

Never hard code a folder or item EntryID. If this is the default Calendar

folder use objNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar).

Are you getting any errors? I could see problems arising from the constant

logging into and out of CDO sessions. You should do the CDO session creation

and login once and use a global or pass the CDO.Session object. CDO does

have some memory leaks when you do multiple login/logoff operations like


I'd comment the error handler so errors will fire or I'd test for errors at

critical points so I could see what's going on, either that or step the code

and see what's happening.

"Paul" <Paul> wrote in message
> Hi,

> I'm using office 2003.

> I'm using the code below to change the label for my appointments based on
> the subject contents, but when I run the code not all the appointments are
> changed to the assigned label. Some will stay white...

> Any ideas anybody?

> Cheers,

> Paul

> Sub Label()

> Dim objOutlook As New Outlook.Application
> Dim objNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
> Dim objFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
> Dim objAppointement As Outlook.AppointmentItem
> Dim objAttachment As Outlook.Attachment
> Dim objNetwork As Object
> Dim lngDeletedAppointements As Long
> Dim lngCleanedAppointements As Long
> Dim lngCleanedAttachments As Long
> Dim blnRestart As Boolean
> Dim intDateDiff As Integer

> Set objOutlook = Outlook.Application
> Set objNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
> Set objFolder =
> objNamespace.GetFolderFromID("00000000AAAEAB88111BB14FB3930A1FFF7C2A9101000EF192502C04154AB66E62534AEC6E18002B0EF780E70000")

> For Each objAppointement In objFolder.Items
> DoEvents
> If objAppointement.Subject = "x" Then
> Call SetApptColorLabel(objAppointement, 1)
> ElseIf objAppointement.Subject = "y" Then
> Call SetApptColorLabel(objAppointement, 2)
> ElseIf objAppointement.Subject = "r" Then
> Call SetApptColorLabel(objAppointement, 3)
> ElseIf objAppointement.Subject = "t" Then
> Call SetApptColorLabel(objAppointement, 4)
> ElseIf objAppointement.Subject = "g" Then
> Call SetApptColorLabel(objAppointement, 5)
> End If
> Next

> End Sub

> Sub SetApptColorLabel(objAppt As Object, _
> intColor As Integer)

> Const CdoPropSetID1 = "0220060000000000C000000000000046"
> Const CdoAppt_Colors = "0x8214"
> Dim objCDO As Object
> Dim objMsg As Object
> Dim colFields As Object
> Dim objField As Object
> Dim strMsg As String
> Dim intAns As Integer
> On Error Resume Next

> Set objCDO = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")
> objCDO.Logon "", "", False, False
> If Not objAppt.EntryID = "" Then
> Set objMsg = objCDO.GetMessage(objAppt.EntryID, objAppt.Parent.StoreID)
> Set colFields = objMsg.Fields
> Set objField = colFields.Item(CdoAppt_Colors, CdoPropSetID1)
> If objField Is Nothing Then
> Err.Clear
> Set objField = colFields.Add(CdoAppt_Colors, vbLong, intColor,
> CdoPropSetID1)
> Else
> objField.Value = intColor
> End If
> objMsg.Update True, True
> Else
> strMsg = "You must save the appointment before you add a color label. " &
> _
> "Do you want to save the appointment now?"
> intAns = MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, "Set Appointment Color
> Label")
> If intAns = vbYes Then
> Call SetApptColorLabel(objAppt, intColor)
> Else
> Exit Sub
> End If
> End If

> Set objAppt = Nothing
> Set objMsg = Nothing
> Set colFields = Nothing
> Set objField = Nothing
> objCDO.Logoff
> Set objCDO = Nothing
> End Sub
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