Contact Notes Issue

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Hi there,

So im having a problem with my 2010 32-bit outlook. Im running this on Windows 7. I created all my contacts here on this machine and have notes in the notes field. I then export them to a .pst file.

I then load that on to my other computers which run windows xp and outlook 2007. the contacts show up fine as does the numbers, address, etc. what DOES NOT show up are any notes.

I work from home and have a total of 4 computers that need the same contact information. I have researched the exchange server and that is above what we need I believe and something we dont want to spend money on if we dont have to. Like I said, we can see all the contacts this way, just not the notes.

How can I transfer my file/contacts to the other computers when I update my main computer and have the notes appear?

Thanks for any help

if you need further information please let me know
Just to clarify, the notes I am talking about is in the contact itself, not the individual notes section.

When you open a contact on the right side there is a notes field. That is the area we are having issues

if you exported to a pst file, you should have the notes - if you export to other formats, you might or might not.

If you open the pst file in Outlook 2010, do you see the notes? Are you importing them into Outlook 2007 or opening the pst using File, Open, Outlook Data file?

As an FYI, you might want to look into Hosted Exchange - Office 365 (Microsoft's offering) is $6/mo per mailbox and you can acess the mailbox from anywhere, using a web browser or Outlook. Other hosted Exchange providers are slightly higher but still affordable. That would definitely make it easier to keep the computers in sync.
I can open the PST file that I created in Outlook 2010 when I open that file in 2010. If I try to open it in 2007 (when I export it from 2010 and import it in 2007) I get the information just not the notes.

I located my actual PST file for Outlook and copied that and imported that in the 2007. That unfortunatly loaded everything (Contacts, email, tasks, etc). That did load over the notes for the contacts though. But I had to go through and erase all of the other stuff I didnt want.

I have only IMPORTED the PST files.

As far as the Hosted Exchange, I looked into that and it looks interesting but it definetly adds alot more steps to accomplishing what I would like. There has to be a way where I can just open Outlook and have what I need in there. It is very simple to backup the contacts and import them to each of the other 3 computers, I just need the notes lol.

Im sorry, the above post does not make sense to me at all. Could you try re-explaining this. It looks like your telling me to use multiple programs or to switch programs. That is not what I want or need to do. I only want to use outlook.

Do not IMPORT - open the pst file using File, Open, Outlook Data file and look at the contacts.
Ignore that post. I'll mark it as spam. Those jerks are always spamming this board.
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