Highlighting / Fomatting appointments in Timeline view

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I have a custom "today" page in which my calendar timeline is displayed, along with inbox, tasks etc. The timeline is the only view I've really come across which lets me fit a decent amount of information in the space I have available.


I was hoping someone could tell me how to format the appointment headers in the calendar view - perhaps greying out appointments which are already past, or highlighting the "next" apointment in red / yellow etc.

Even if I could do this manually, it would be better. Right now the timeline view is quite congested, which makes reading appointments at a glance difficult.


the picture is a little small to see exactly how you did it, but if you are using the view control, try right clicking on the row of field names - do you get a menu to customize views? You can gray out yesterday's appointments but not one that just ended a hour ago - use automatic formatting. Another option is using categories to mark appointments 'completed' then use automatic formatting to change the font.
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