Rules for deleted messagess

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Outlook version
Email Account
Exchange Server
Hi, I don't think this can be done but I thought I'd ask to make sure. For "CYA" reasons, I never delete any e-mail I send or receive. Under my Archives folder. I created 3 directories and they are:




The "Z" is just so that they are at the bottom of the list and easier to find. For simplicity (or laziness) I would still like to just click delete on an e-mail in my in basket when I am done with it but instead of going to the deleted folder, can I write a rule that will send it to the Z-Deleted folder UNLESS the start of the subject line is "voice mail:" then have it go to the Z-Voicemail once I delete it from my in basket? Like everything in life there would be exceptions and that is if the start of the subject line was RE: voice mail:, FW: voice mail: and/or Out of Office: voicemail:. I'm assuming the rule would really need to be written so that once the file goes into the deleted folder a rule would need to be written to say what to do. I can not figure out how to do that, it appears as though rules are only for setting what to do when a new message comes in.

Also, What I assume would be easier, if possible, is whenever I send an e-mail just have it stored in my Z-Sent instead of my regular sent folder?

Twice a month I now move records from the active folders to the ones I created under archives but if I can automate the process that would be great.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

I didn't think so but thought it was worth asking. Between things I want to do in Excel and Outlook, I think it's time I learn VBA. thank you for the help and keep cool today. Over 100 today where I am...
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