Messaged sent time in outlook differ from exchange log

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Outlook version
Email Account
Exchange Server
I'm using Exchange 2010 and outlook 2007 as a client.

A user sent email at 5:56 pm to multiple internal and external recipients from outlook 2007 but the message has delivered next day at 11:23 am.

-At sender's side: the message in sent items folder in outlook and OWA indicates that it has been sent at 5:56 pm

-At receiver's side: the message in inbox folder indicates that it has been sent at 11:23 am

-all log files on Exchange server , MSGTRKMyyyymmdd-x.LOG and MSGTRKyyyymmdd-x.LOG, indicates that the message has been set at 11:23 am

-user didn't use delay delivery option, as he said.

-the time and date of sender's PC and Exchange server is correct.

any ideas about how such scenario could be happened??
were other messages held up at the same time? Was that the only attempt the exchange server made? I'm thinking either exchange was hung and unable to send it or the recieving server had issues at 6 pm, so exchange held it for later.
Thanks for your reply,

The exchange server was working properly from 5:56 pm till 11:23 am an there is no other attempts in the log. The sender and the receiver are located in the same exchange server.
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