Update Permission Denied


Senior Member
Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Hi all,

I recently had to reinstall my SQL Server instance for BCM, re-attach my database and then re-share it using the database tool.

Everything looked like it worked just fine until users started reporting that they are unable to create new records.

The actual error message they receive is: "UPDATE permission denied on column 'Importance' of object 'ContactMainTable', database 'BCM_Database', schema 'dbo'.

I've been searching for a day for anything related to this, and from what i can tell my permissions are all set up correctly.

I can't find out what is wrong.

Anyone experienced this before?
Alright, finally figured it out!

I have NO idea HOW this happened... but i had to browse to:

My_Database > Tables > dbo.ContactMainTable

Under the properties for this table, there was an explicit permission defined for db_SharedUsers, denying UPDATE and INSERT.

I removed those, and VOILA! it worked.
That was marked Deny? That is set on my DB too. I can't use the db though - Windows 8 with Microsoft Account logons won't connect to it - so I don't know if it prevents me from updating. I guess I will test that next and see what happens.

I suspect whatever is wrong will popup with some other table in coming weeks.

Now that really weird!

Did you detach/re-attach or move your database to a new sql instance? I also did a restore of my database over the one i re-attached so that it would load the user assignments i had set up within BCM (ie.. account Assigned To: domain\user).

As these were the only things i did, i'm guessing one of them created this deny permission. What I am sure of is that it removing it immediately fixed the problem of users not being able to create accounts.

We'll have to keep our eye on this. Please let us know if you find anything new, and i'll do the same!
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