Recent Update Did not Fix Search Problems

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MJH 10

Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
I have been (somewhat) patiently waiting for the Outlook 2016 search problem to resolve itself--as yet it has not. Search appears to work without error messages when searching in a mailbox account or a folder. However, when I search in "All Mail Boxes," I get the following three errors.

! in yellow triangle--Something went wrong and your search couldn't be completed.

These three errors have been appearing for at least the last three weeks. The errors occur on both my desktop setups and all three of my laptops.

Since it has not been corrected by updates, could it me something on my end? I doubt it since it happens on 5 different computers?

Thanks for any suggestions.
it's the June 13 windows update (possibly a few days earlier if using insider builds of either office or windows)- the windows update earlier this week was supposed to have fixed it. You may need to rebuild the index - i didn't and the error is gone.

If you want to go back to the old, slower outlook search, there is a registry key you can set.
Thanks for your reply Diane.

I have Windows 10. My update history shows KB4022725 06/13/2017. When I ask Windows 10 to check for updates, it says I am up to date. Wondering why it did not install KB4022716 when it checks for updates. Do I click on that update link in your reply to get that update? What other updates could I be missing.
Thanks for your reply Diane.

I have Windows 10. My update history shows KB4022725 06/13/2017. When I ask Windows 10 to check for updates, it says I am up to date. Wondering why it did not install KB4022716 when it checks for updates. Do I click on that update link in your reply to get that update? What other updates could I be missing.

I probably should include all of the windows updates since i don't know which you are using - - Windows 7 - June 27, 2017 update - Windows 8.1 - June 27, 2017 update - Windows 10 Version 1703 - June 27, 2017 update

They tend to push the updates slowly for the first few days in case anything blows up, leaving fewer victims before they pull it. They usually turn it on 100% after 2 or 3 days, so I'm kind of surprised it wasn't found, but we've just hit the 3 full days point. If you can tolerate the search issues for another day or two, I'd wait it out - otherwise, download and install from the update catalog.

(I have pro and it was installed here on the 28th. )
Thanks Diane.

Waited through the holiday weekend and checked all my 5 systems this morning, including a W10 Pro version. Still no update (last update on all systems reported as 06/13/17 and check for updates returns your computer is up to date.
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