No, there is no good way to poll for changes or discrepancies. There really shouldn't be any differences (save for the Notes field, where only 1024 characters are uploaded).
Hey Diane,
With regard to the discrepancies in the two datasets (Live and Outlook), I have noticed the following, ever since I went Live with my Contacts:
In the past - I have logged into Live and checked the Live Contacts against the Outlook Contacts.
The total number of Contacts reported by Live and Outlook have NEVER been the same number.
I don't have other sources of Contacts linked into Live - GMail, Facebook, other Hotmail Accounts - just what I originally uploaded from Outlook or have subsequently added/deleted from either Outlook, or my WPhone.
I have 1,999 Contacts in Live and 2,000 in Outlook and this difference of one is the closest the two accounts have ever been. The difference used to be in the hundreds!
When Connector was having its issue a few months ago, I went into Outlook and added dummy webpages to all my Contacts which didn't have legitimate ones. (This was the temporary fix offered to ensure that updates to Contacts would flow through to all devices via Live.)
By doing this it allowed me to notice that some Contacts in Live had duplicates, not mirrored in Outlook. These duplicates were not identical - one copy had the dummy webpage, the other did not.
So, I went through every Contact on my WPhone, unlinked any Contact that I found was linked and deleted the copy which did not have the dummy webpage.
After this monotonous task was complete - the discrepancy was down to one.
Missing one Contact in Live, or having a duplicate in Outlook, isn't the end of the world, but having several hundred is a problem particularly if one is using this platform for business.
Any discrepancy, no matter how small, does indicate that having the ability to have the two datasets compared would be useful, because there is obviously something funky going on with the current stategy and anomolies are going unnoticed and unreported to the person using Live/Outlook.
Until such a comparison is possible, people using Live Contacts shouldn't assume that it contains all of Outlooks Contacts and visa-versa.
Something for MS Support to chew on.