Batch update calendar

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
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Office 365 Exchange
Windows 10 x64, Outlook 365 Exchange: I have exported calendar to .csv and imported it into Excel.
There are specific words that I want to replace, but that is across hundreds of entries.
I can update that in Excel, export it to csv and import the file into Outlook.

So far no problem.

I want the existing entries be overwritten by the updated new ones and obviously no duplicates.

Whilst importing there is a screen that says

-Replace duplicates with items imported
-Allow duplicates to be created
-Do not import duplicate items

I may check the last option (do not import...), but am I sure the 'existing' entries be overwritten by new / updated ones (with the amended texts)

You'd want to use replace duplicates - but I don't think it will work as they are not duplicates if you edited words.

If the first batch was imported - you could sort by modified date (use a list view) and delete the older items that have the same modified date.

If you exported the entire calendar, use a list view and select all and move the existing items to a new calendar then import this. If you have meetings on your calendar, group or filter by message class and move them back to the calendar or don't move them to begin with.
Thanks a lot Diane.
I guess, I'll have to export all to Excel, sort by date and go from there.
It'll probably be a boring job though :)
Sorry for getting back on this after such a while. There were some other things that needed to be attended.

Anyway, maybe, altogether to proceed as follows:
- export all calendar entries to a .csv (and make a backup of course)
- then apply changes to the imported csv in Excel
- export to csv
- delete all calendar entries within outlook and import the new ones from the exported csv (quite a few)

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