Using the following code to open a custom meeting request, it works as long as I publish the meeting request in the personnel folder, by doing this when meeting request is sent it comes back with message that responses won't be tallied, is there a way to get it to open it when published in the calendar folder? Also the optional attendees are showing as required, am I not coding correctly? Here is the code
'create fmea meeting request
Set EngQualSt1CompValidate = myPage1.Controls("ENGQUALFMEA1MEET")
Set objfolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.currentFolder
Set objItem = objFolder.Items.Add(strform)
objitem.Subject = "test" 'added
set myrequiredattendee = objitem.recipients.Add ("add name; Training Room") 'add required
myrequiredattendee.Type = olRequired
Set myoptionalAttendee = objitem.recipients.Add ("added name; add name") 'add names of optional
myoptionalAttendee.Type = olOptional
'create fmea meeting request
Set EngQualSt1CompValidate = myPage1.Controls("ENGQUALFMEA1MEET")
Set objfolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.currentFolder
Set objItem = objFolder.Items.Add(strform)
objitem.Subject = "test" 'added
set myrequiredattendee = objitem.recipients.Add ("add name; Training Room") 'add required
myrequiredattendee.Type = olRequired
Set myoptionalAttendee = objitem.recipients.Add ("added name; add name") 'add names of optional
myoptionalAttendee.Type = olOptional