Outlook 2010 default font

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I cannot change the default font for new messages permanently. My choice will remain unchanged during a session, but when I restart Outlook the default has by itself changed back to Calibri 11pt. I do not use a theme. My choice (arial 11pt) will be "left alone" for forward & reply mails and for plain text mails, but changes back for new mails all the time. This is very frustrating. I use Windows 7 Pro.

Help anyone?
Try making the change as soon as you open outlook then close outlook immediately and restart - does it stick? If not, I'll look up the registry key and you can edit the key to change it.
It's stored in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\MailSettings\ComposeFontComplex and ComposeFontSimple. I believe these keys are not created until the key is changed - since the change you make doesn't stick, these keys might not exist on your computer.

Try this: after making the change, go to that path in the registry and export the keys. You can run the reg file to change the keys.
Thanks for the prompt reply. Your first suggestion unfortunately did not work. As for the second: Although I was able to get to the place in the Registry you referred me to, I don't know how to export or change the keys.

Perhaps it will help if I tell you what I see at the specific place in the Registry: There are 3 subheadings namely "Default", "New Theme" and "Template". Only the heading Default is surrounded by brackets and in the column "Data" the words "(value not set)" appear - also in brackets as indicated. As far as I can establish, the numerical values for ComposeFontComplex under (Default) are identical to the values for ReplyFontComplex under New Theme and TextFontComplex under Template. But in Outlook Options my chosen font sticks only for the reply font and the plain text font. Does this throw any light on the problem?

A further aspect: In the dialogue box in Outlook Options for setting the font for new messages, there is a block with the words "set as default" in the bottom left corner. However, this block is greyed out.

I hope the above will help to get to a solution.
(I replied earlier but don't know what happened to it)

Thanks, but the first option did not work. I am also not experienced enough to change or export keys in the Registry. Does it mean anything that the sub-heading Default at the place in the Registry you referred me to, appears in brackets, and that the words "value not set" (also in brackets) appear under the heading Data. This is different from the other two sub-headings (New Theme and Template).
Sorry about that. I saw the post yesterday and knew cathy and larry were online so i left it for them to answer but didn't realize it was in the moderation queue for some (unknown) reason.

The default thingy is correct - every key has one. The registry will look something like this - depending on your choice of options.


This is a reg file that uses Arial 11 for all 3 font options:

Download it, remove .txt from the extension and then double click to run it.

View attachment fonts.reg.txt

These changes *should* stick for you.
Thanks again, but unfortunately the fonts.reg fix did not work. Could the use of a theme not be a possible workaround? I noticed that the fonts embedded into a theme do not change. The problem is that none of the themes included in the program uses arial 11pt as body font. Do you know whether a theme can be modified, or whether one can create one's own theme?
Themes use their own fonts. If you are using Stationery theme from the stationery dialog, its html and can be edited.


If you use themes from the toolbar -


The theme definitions are stored on the computer and they are editable within outlook. I don't think you can edit them directly, but I never tried.

Its actually very simple, if you know where to do it.

File > Options > Mail > Stationary & Fonts.


Easy as pie!

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