What is the To-Do List VIEW" Filtering On?

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Note: I am NOT referring to the To-Do List in the left navigation bar, obviously that brings up a list of all tasks as well as flagged emails etc. Rather when any task folder OR the to-do list is selected in the left navigation bar, using "Change View" it's then possible to select views such as "Active", "Completed" etc., one of which is "To-Do List". When I select "To-Do List" for the view, the task list always goes empty. What in the world does the to-do list view filter on? It's very confusing that there is both a to-do list in the left navigation and a to-do list view option, and that when both are selected you see no tasks in the list! (or for that matter when a task folder is selected in the left navigation bar and the to-do list view is selected you also see nothing)

When I use "manage views" and select the to-do list view and look at the filter, it's a "DASL filter" and it is set to: "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Keywords" = 'Projects'

Anyhow, very curious what the purpose of this view is supposed to be??

Thanks, I must have made a chance to it that was messing up what it does, I reset it and it does as you say.
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