Categories - Sub Catergories

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Outlook version
Email Account
I would like to know if I can configure out look to display my categories in the following way.

01-00 Preliminaries - then click on that category opens in to the following sub-categories
01-01 Name
01-02 Name
01-03 Name

and flow on into the second category

02-00 Demolition

02-01 Name
02-02 Name

I currently have my list of categories displayed in a continuous list just by the name What I would like to be the sub-category list
01-01 Name
01-02 Name
01-03 Name
02-01 Name
02-02 Name

Thanking you in advance Geoff
No, you can't make subcategories. If you use the name and numbering system in your example, you'll be able to group by category and they will sorta behave like subcategories.

Thank you for your reply.

I do have a few questions about possible formatting to out look.

I will send the questions in a later email.

Thank you,

Re: Categories


1. When viewing contacts sorted by categories is it possible to format any single category row to have a colour for the whole row as a background colour to the font?

2. When viewing the contacts list with only the categories showing the column headers can be seen. Can the code column be filled in while entering the contact details.

Currently I enter the code when the category is opened but before the contact is opened.

category: 01-05 Plant Hire

01-05-21 Contact, Company name, Business phone etc. this being the contacts place in the list of contacts in that category.

3. Would either of these items be available using Business Contact Manager?

Thank you

1. No, not background color. You can use Conditional formatting to change the text.

2. Not sure i understand the question.

3. No. BCM doesn't change the category behavior.


Sorry to be a pest.

Above you mentioned to use Conditional formatting to change the text in outlook 2007. I
have not found Conditional formatting.

Only Automatic formatting, when I set a change in automatic and click OK the change does not work.

Please could you give me a bit more help to resolve my issue.

Thank you

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