Printing Advanced Search Output Screen

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
When I do an Advanced Search>Category I get a list of contacts. If I elect to Print I get a full printout of each contacts information. What I want is just a printout of the information on the Screen - a list of basic Contact info. How do I do this?

Thank you,

Hi Diane,

Thanks for your response. I can't seem to get a "Copy/Paste" option. I tried right clicking on everything on the page. Perhaps I wasn't clear in my description. Let me try again:
1) Outlook 2010
2) In Contacts: Search Tools > Advanced Find > Advanced > Field (Frequently Used > Categories) > Condition (Contains) > Value (XYZ)
3) This brings up a long list of all Contacts (and basic info: Co. Name, Phone #, etc.)
4) I wish to print exactly what I see on the screen - creates a list of contacts for me to use for phone calls (I do not want a printout of the full Contact Info and Notes for each Contact in the list).

I cannot get the "Select All/Copy & Paste" options you noted.

I hope this is a better description of my problem. I know you can do this because I did it once a year or so ago but at age 70 I can't seem to remember how I did it. Funny how this seems to be happening more often of late.

Sorry about that, you need to use Ctrl+C to copy. Click on one contact to select it then Ctrl+A to select all (or use Ctrl+ the arrow keys to select a few) then Ctrl+C to copy. Use Ctrl+V to paste or the other applications paste command.

In Excel and Notepad, you'll paste a table, word will paste the actual contacts by default (Because of OLE support), so use paste special as text.
Hi Diane. Just to be clear, are you saying that table style is not available for printing multiple items, or only when those items were searched for
It's just a limitation of Advanced Find. If you use Instant Search and the Phone list (or other table view) you can print a table.
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