Converting OST to PST File

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server 2010
I have a user's old OST file that I need to convert to a PST file so I can search for missing emails. Or any other way that would enable me to perform this task. Uses Outlook 2007.
If the profile that created the ost was just recently deleted, you can use system restore to bring it back then export the account to a pst file. If the profile is no longer available, you'll need to use an ost to pst recovery utility. I have a list of utilities at Convert an Offline File (.ost) to a Personal File (.pst) - note that there are a lot of ost to pst utilities available but many are just rebranded versions of the utilities on that page.
Is the user still active in Exchange ? If YES then Follow given some instruction: IN Outlook 2007.
Tools -> Account Settings -> Email account -> More settings -> Advanced tab -> select Use Cached Exchange
Mode --> Click Offline Folder File Settings -> Browse to .OST file then restart Outlook. open your OST file
After restart outlook,
File -> Import and Export -> Export to a file -> .pst file.
Also see this site for help...
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