Converting users with BCM in OL2003 to RPC over HTTP

  • Thread starter Thread starter cjlatta
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I have converted several of our users to access an Exchange server using RPC

over HTTP protocol. I have 2 users who utilize BCM in their OL 2003 that I

need to convert to this protocol. Is there anything I need to do differently

for their conversion? The other users I converted all have pst files - and I

seem to recall that if you use BCM, you don't have a pst file. Both users I

plan to convert are running Windows XP.
On Apr 20, 2:48 pm, cjlatta <cjla...> wrote:
> I have converted several of our users to access an Exchange server using RPC
> over HTTP protocol.  I have 2 users who utilize BCM in their OL 2003 that I
> need to convert to this protocol.  Is there anything I need to do differently
> for their conversion?  The other users I converted all have pst files -and I
> seem to recall that if you use BCM, you don't have a pst file.  Both users I
> plan to convert are running Windows XP.

BCM should be Exchange protocol agnostic.
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