We moved from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010 and experience some problems with setting Send As permissions on Public Folders.
All Public Folders have been transfered to the Exchange 2010 server.
When we want to give a user Send As permission on a mail enabled Public Folder we receive the following error:
Active Directory operation failed on DC1.dc.local. This error is not retriable. Additional information: Access is denied.
Active directory response: 00000005: SecErr: DSID-03151E04, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0
I found an article that previously did the trick.
Open ADSIEdit and check that the ownership of the new folder by going to Default naming context -> DC=domainname,DC=co,DC=uk ->CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects -> right click on the object of the PF and select properties
then Advanced, Ownership and note the name of who owned the public folder (in my case the SYSTEM or sometimes even the old Exchange 2003 server)
Previously I changed the Owner from SYSTEM to the new Exchange 2010 (via ADSIEDIT not Client Permission) servername and then I could set the Send As permission for the user on the Public Folder.
But this trick is not working anymore on any Public Folder now.
When I want to change the Ownership from SYSTEM to the new Exchange 2010 I type the Exchange 2010 servername in the select user/computer let it resolve it's name but when I click on OK it's not appearing in the Change Owner To list
All Public Folders have been transfered to the Exchange 2010 server.
When we want to give a user Send As permission on a mail enabled Public Folder we receive the following error:
Active Directory operation failed on DC1.dc.local. This error is not retriable. Additional information: Access is denied.
Active directory response: 00000005: SecErr: DSID-03151E04, problem 4003 (INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS), data 0
I found an article that previously did the trick.
Open ADSIEdit and check that the ownership of the new folder by going to Default naming context -> DC=domainname,DC=co,DC=uk ->CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects -> right click on the object of the PF and select properties
then Advanced, Ownership and note the name of who owned the public folder (in my case the SYSTEM or sometimes even the old Exchange 2003 server)
Previously I changed the Owner from SYSTEM to the new Exchange 2010 (via ADSIEDIT not Client Permission) servername and then I could set the Send As permission for the user on the Public Folder.
But this trick is not working anymore on any Public Folder now.
When I want to change the Ownership from SYSTEM to the new Exchange 2010 I type the Exchange 2010 servername in the select user/computer let it resolve it's name but when I click on OK it's not appearing in the Change Owner To list