cannot send emails-SMTP Ports not working for Hotmail Pop3

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Email Account
Hi, please could you help me.

I am trying to send emails from outlook through hotmail pop3 account. I am unable to send any emails from outlook using the SMTP 25 or 587. neither work and I still get an error message. obviously seeing as it is not working on either my mobile or on Outlook I must be doing something wrong. I have tried changing everything but nothing seems to work (I can receive emails with no problem) I have checked that my firewall allows the SMTP port as well. I don't know what else to do.

here are my settings on Outlook:

(checked) my outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication

(checked) use same settings as my incoming mail server

incoming server Pop3: 995

(Checked) this server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)

Outgoing server (SMTP): tried both port 25 and 587 neither worked

use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL

Please help according to the millions of sites I have checked these settings are all correct??

Please don't suggest the outlook connector. I have just deleted it as I had too many problems with it!!
I have all of the correct settings. tried both port 25 and 587.

I have two accounts - primary and secondary.

I can receive email on my primary account, but not send. (can do neither with my secondary account) Talked with Centurylink/Qwest tech support. They said all my settings were correct and couldn't help me any further.

My email is msn, but I need to log in via hotmail as CTL/Qwest discontinues their MSN association.

Port 25 is not blocked.

Sad part is that this just happened recently. My hard drive crashed 3 weeks ago, so rebuilding everything from scratch.

Is there possibly something set/not set somewhere else that is causing the problem?

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