What are the settings should be for Receive connector on ex2007?
I tried to create Custom or Internal receive connector on ex2007 with the following setting:
FQDN: ex2007.domain.com
Network: use all available IPv4 address poert: 25
receive mail from remote server: ex2010 ip address
Authentication: Exchange Server authentication
Permission Groups: Exchange users, Exchange servers
The hub version 8 queu error message on ex2010:
"451 4.4.0 Primary target IP address responded with:
"421 4.2.1 Unable to connect."" Attempted failover to alternate host,
but that did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or
delivery failed to all alternate hosts."
I got the same error on ex2007 when I disable receive connector on ex2010.
Thank you.
Becaue its exchange to exchange, you need to use the exchange permission and use authentication.