How to relevant task to a folder

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server

I have a lot of folders.

And I use a lot the "Flag" option and the "Task" folders.

It is very useful when I Group by folder the "TO DO" view.

But then i can’t see the tasks that are relevant to the folder.

If i Group by categories then I will need 20 new categories every week, not agood solution...

How can i make a "Task" seen under a mail folder in the “TO DO” view(Group by) ?

I use outlook 2010 and exchange server 2003.

I will appreciate any advice , also VB or SQL solution is optional.


I assume you mean if you group by folder, there are so many folders that the Tasks folder is far down the list? Or do you mean the groups are collapsed?

There really is no good way to control the group order when you use a group by folder view - you can change the sort order but can't control the folder order unless you rename the folders.
I assume you mean if you group by folder, there are so many folders that the Tasks folder is far down the list? Or do you mean the groups are collapsed?

There really is no good way to control the group order when you use a group by folder view - you can change the sort order but can't control the folder order unless you rename the folders.

Thanks for the reply.

But you gat me worng..

The problem is like that:

1) For every project I have a Folder.

1) I flag important mail.

2) I Create Tasks to remaind of thins to do in a project.

** All tasks are refering to a cirten project, a cirten folder.

If I grup by folder the flaged items, than I will see the important mail under the foder. Wich is excelent. It helps me know to wich project it refer to.

But the Tasks will not be seen under anything...they will just be the view...

So, it will make it hard for me to know to wich project they refer.

That is way i want a way to relevant a tast to a folder.

Not an easy task (-: ...
You can group the To-do list by folder -


click or right click on the row of field names (or on Arrange by:) and choose Folder. But this shows all flagged items and all tasks. Because Tasks are in the Tasks folder, they'll be grouped underTasks, which can be far down the list.

The tasks themselves won't have any relationship to the folder where the original message is - and since all tasks are in one folder, they will group together as one using the Folder view. You'll need to use categories or keywords in the subject to identify them with a specific project - adding [keyword] as the first word of the subject might be the easiest and won't require a bunch of categories. You won't be able to group by it but can sort by it so its easier to find the tasks.

If you only want to see actual tasks, not flagged items, in the To-do, right click on the row of field names and choose view settings - you need to create a filter to show only task items. See How to show only tasks in the to-do bar
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