We have now been using this product for several months and all is not well.
There are two ways to configure the product: (1) store OC data within the organization (local store), or (2) to store OC data on their system, called OfficeCalendar Online. There is a sizeable price difference.
With option #1 (in-house storage), you install the OfficeCalendar server onto any local workstation (we use a semi-dedicated Win7HP box) and configure all other workstations running OCal client to communicate with this "server" via its IP address and the port number you configured into OC Server. To make it work through the Internet, just configure the router to forward that port to the local OCal Server. For this configuration, you pay just the number of seats and you're done. However, this system will not work with mobile devices - for them, you need option #2. Also, the OCal staff greatly push Option #2 when trying to get any help configuring option #1. Still, I was able to get it setup with little difficulty and this is the option we are using.
You can also configure OCal so that your company data (changes to users' calendars, etc) are stored in a private account at OfficeCalendar.com -- and this is what the OCal staff strongly encourage. Well they might, as it becomes a monthly utility cost amounting to several hundred dollars per year in perpetuity. Great deal for OC, not so great for customers.
OC support is also $paid$ -- the initial free support lasts only 30 days, by which time we had just got the program working. And don't misunderstand: it *does* work. And we were Very Happy during that first forty or fifty days -- until I had to add a new user. Suddenly random workstations could not communicate with the OC server computer. And our free support had run out, so I'm on my own. No worries: there are several tools built into the product to help.
When OC cannot contact the server computer, it pops-up an error message headed "OfficeCalendar Server could not be reached". You can see this message on page 63 of the version 8 User Guide (
This message has five buttons: [Configure] [Ignore] [Work Offline] [Troubleshoot] and [Retry]. The TROUBLESHOOT button has several options that should help, including the ability to "ping" the OC Server computer. Note that this option, and its several sub-features are not only poorly documented, they are not documented at all. Everything regarding troubleshooting is "phone support". However, this "ping" feature often doesn't work (no explanation or suggestions) and frequently the "ping" button isn't even on the screen at all! At present, I am struggling with this. Most frustrating.
My solution each time has been to uninstall the OC Server component completely, reinstall it from scratch USING A DIFFERENT PORT, re-add all the users (not a huge deal), and then visit each of workstation (many remote users, so this is a huge deal) and re-configure the client. An enormous pain in the patooshka. I find that I must repeat this exercise every time I add or remove a user.
The SUPPORT tab also contains a few buttons that also should help (page 35 of the ver 8 User Guide): [Debug Mode] [Show Data Files] [Reset Group Calendars] and [Reset Entire Sync]. They are equally poorly (read: "not at all") documented. Everything says, "phone OfficeCalendar for support". PAID support, that is.
From what we are going through, I suggest seeking a different solution.